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​Hidden Value Group, LLC

Jeff Jernigan, PhD has been appointed a Fellow with The American Institute of Stress for his influence and accomplishments in behavior health, research, and practical application in the field.

We inspire and release hidden value in

people and groups

Dr. Jeff's Head Shed

Blog & Resources

Welcome to Dr. Jeff’s Head Shed!  You will find all sorts of resources here at the intersection of biology and psychology, wellness and mental health.  This includes articles, books, videos, webinars, pod casts, assessments, and trivia.  

Most items are free to download and those that are not you can order.  Each resource should have a brief summary associated with it and identify the author(s) and publisher.  We are just getting started, so there may not be much here at the moment.

Rules of the Road

1.  Everything you find in the resource center is copyrighted by someone.  You should not plagiarize any content or reproduce any content without the authors’ written permission.

2. If you use any content for educational purposes you need to properly cite the source and include a “Do not Reproduce” stipulation.
3. If you want to use any material on an ongoing basis; say, as curricula or for conferences or webinars, let’s talk about a licensing agreement between you and the author(s).
4. In many cases copyrights are held by the author(s) and a publisher.  Books and articles are good examples.  Publishers have their own set of rules you need to be aware of and respect. 
5. Some copyrights in the USA last 75 years.  So, instead of waiting around for something to be in the public domain, do the right thing.  Your wellness and mental health will be better for it.

Jeff is a well-known board-certified mental health professional rated by the Wellness Council of America as among the top 1% of wellness experts in the country,
and internationally recognized as a global workplace stress and trauma thought leader.

A 30 year career as engineer, hospital administrator, and clinical director serving in CEO, COO, CHRO, And Board Chair roles across multiple industries supports Jeff’s
continuing practice as a psychologist.  

Professional memberships include the American Institute of Stress, American Association of Suicidology, Wiley Psychology Panel, International Association for Continuing Education and Training, and American College of Healthcare Executives.